Sunday, December 14, 2008

I love my Bugga!!

Ahhh. The family is out of town and I'm home alone. Nice I know, but I'm starting to miss my babies! I got my camera out to play with it and found some pics. This one just makes me SMILE!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Sydni needs to memorize the poem she's reading on this page to get a treat from school. Good luck Sydni! (She's almost got it already.)

Sparkly Shoes

Angelo LOVES to wear his sisters shoes. Should I worry?
(The pictures really do not do justice for the boys determination to put the shoes on while standing - just like a big kid.)
And for those of you who DO think I should worry - he's also got a killer throwing arm - no really! it stings if you get in the way!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hair Cut

So, I had AJ's hair cut a few weeks ago and never posted the after photos - better late than never (although most of you have seen it by now).

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Leaves

The other day, the kids decided they wanted to play in the leaves. So they raked them into a big pile. I thought I'd be able to just pick them up when they were done - HA! they were even more scattered when they were done than when they started.

I took AJ out to play with them, too. He LOVES to draw - so he quickly found the chalk.

I was trying to be artsy and get some cool pics of my tree. This one was okay.

Too Poor

Angelo must think we are too poor to buy shoes. Here he is wearing a cardboard box on his foot!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Moments

Some things just warm your heart, but they are so hard to catch with the camera.
While Anthony was reading with Sydni, Angelo took his phone and was "playing games on dad's phone." Both sights were so nice, I just had to grab my camera.

The Spotted Zebra Boutique

As I mentioned, I'm putting my cards in another Boutique. Here is the info. Please come check me out and say hi.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What's for Dinner?

I'm so excited! I decided that I was going to start cooking again. (We've been giving Stouffers way too much business lately!) I put together a menu for an entire week and a comprehensive grocery list. WOW!! I spent a lot of money shopping yesterday! (I stocked up on staples and had to renew my Costco membership.)

So whats for Dinner?
Last night I made a double batch of Meatloaf. (it tasted okay, but is more like ground beef with LOTS of onions-it didn't stick together at all! - I have meat left for Lunch and another "loaf" in the freezer.

Tonight I'm making my Chicken Enchilada Casserole - yum! Anthony has been asking for it, I know it will freeze well - so I'm cooking a double batch - and freezing one. (see a pattern here?)

Tomorrow Night I'm going to try a recipe I saw on the Rachael Ray show - "Pumpkin Cream Tortellini Lasagna" (Making extra sauce to freeze!)

Monday - Turkey Burgers and Broccoli
Tuesday - Tacos (extra meat)
Wednesday - Lori's Burger in a Biscuit.
Thursday - Spaghetti (enhanced with extra veggies!)
Friday - Homemade pizza with Veggies on top.
Saturday - I was being silly and thinking I was leaving my family for dinner on their own so I scheduled a pre-made dinner. (See what a wonderful idea they are!) But now that I've discovered that I was just being overly excited, I might try another "fancy" meal and freeze extra again - just to get my freezer stocked up. - I want to try creamy chicken noodle soup if I can find a recipe.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I just signed up for a new boutique to sell my cards! I'm really excited and hopeful, despite my not-so-successful attempt last weekend.

So it's back to the crafting table for me - and I have some really cool ideas. I'm just trying to get them out of my head and into reality. Although I have to admit that I'm a little burnt out on cards (I kinda want to scrapbook - or cook - or play with my kids - or just veg for a while)

But anyhow - you asked to see the cards and I promised a post forever ago so here are some of the cards I have on hand.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Pix (a little late,but here)

Sydniann - I think I have this same pic last year - I can't get her to stand up straight for a pic and this is her favorite pose.

AJ was sooooo excited to be in his costume. Can you tell? (By the way - it's a lion not a bear.)

Ah here is is a little happier. I was crouched down to get a better picture of him and he was copying me. Such a cute, sweet babe!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to visit a Pumkin Patch today. Sydni was sooooo excited. Angelo enjoyed pointing to and talking about the pumkins, but he wasn't too keen on touching any. We each picked our perfect pumpkin to bring home - I'll take a pic of them when the sun comes up tomorrow. :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

These pics were taken last easter. Its the closest thing we've done to formal pics in a while.

I love this picture of Sydni - it definetly shows her personality.

But she comes around when she's with her brother. They are so cute together.

Little AJ!

In Memory of my other Baby . . . We still love you Xan.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Piano Pics (February)

So you are requesting more pictures already?!

Here goes . . .

This is an older picture of my little Beethoven!

My princess wanted in on the action, too. (She's such a ham!)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Starting Out

This is my new BLOG. I'm so nervous about posting pics of my babies out there for the world to see, but I'm going to give it a shot. Then I'll let people know where to look when I don't bother to e-mail them to you - tada!


The first picture is my little note taker. See how he's holding the pencil - ya, he did that on his own (just like his big sis!).

The second pic is my big baby girl after her first day of kindergarten. She loves school, and she's doing so well.