Sunday, December 14, 2008

I love my Bugga!!

Ahhh. The family is out of town and I'm home alone. Nice I know, but I'm starting to miss my babies! I got my camera out to play with it and found some pics. This one just makes me SMILE!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Sydni needs to memorize the poem she's reading on this page to get a treat from school. Good luck Sydni! (She's almost got it already.)

Sparkly Shoes

Angelo LOVES to wear his sisters shoes. Should I worry?
(The pictures really do not do justice for the boys determination to put the shoes on while standing - just like a big kid.)
And for those of you who DO think I should worry - he's also got a killer throwing arm - no really! it stings if you get in the way!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hair Cut

So, I had AJ's hair cut a few weeks ago and never posted the after photos - better late than never (although most of you have seen it by now).