Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day at the Races

Anthony and I got to head down to Pit Road before the races. As you can see Anthony was on Cloud-9. Here he is in front of Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s race car.

We got to go out and walk on the race track. - So Cool!

This picture is for you Dad. Pretty Pace Cars - My favorite was the little red one. I could drive that!

They brought #71 so close we could touch!

Anthony signed Jr.'s wall!

The Pre-Race show included a stunt airplanes - it was so cool. I'd like to be a pilot one day - but definitely not a stunt pilot!

The starting line up. (And my new car - the red pace car!)

Here's Jr. in action.

The winner!

Mike and Heather's Wedding

I decided to go to San Diego for Michael's wedding just hours before I actually left. Before I could pack I had to finish a huge craft project-gone-wrong for Sydniann's Kindergarten Valentines party. Aaron wanted to leave at 2pm, but I was committed to be at the party until 2:15 and then take the kids home! AND to top it off Sydni decided to eat the frosting I'd reserved for the party so I had to run to the store at the last minute ARAGGHH! After the long drive we had an hour or two sleep before everyone (except me) left for the temple. I caught up later.

The San Diego Temple is absolutely gorgeous. You come around the bend on the freeway and see what looks like a fairy castle and then realize that is the temple - beautiful!

I took some pictures of the grounds, the family and finally Mike and Heather. Here are just a few of them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I love my Bugga!!

Ahhh. The family is out of town and I'm home alone. Nice I know, but I'm starting to miss my babies! I got my camera out to play with it and found some pics. This one just makes me SMILE!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Sydni needs to memorize the poem she's reading on this page to get a treat from school. Good luck Sydni! (She's almost got it already.)

Sparkly Shoes

Angelo LOVES to wear his sisters shoes. Should I worry?
(The pictures really do not do justice for the boys determination to put the shoes on while standing - just like a big kid.)
And for those of you who DO think I should worry - he's also got a killer throwing arm - no really! it stings if you get in the way!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hair Cut

So, I had AJ's hair cut a few weeks ago and never posted the after photos - better late than never (although most of you have seen it by now).

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fall Leaves

The other day, the kids decided they wanted to play in the leaves. So they raked them into a big pile. I thought I'd be able to just pick them up when they were done - HA! they were even more scattered when they were done than when they started.

I took AJ out to play with them, too. He LOVES to draw - so he quickly found the chalk.

I was trying to be artsy and get some cool pics of my tree. This one was okay.